Monday, 29 June 2015

Celebrating the Back Channel - Day 3 ISTE #ISTE2015

The crowds thronged, the halls were full, the discussions were coming thick and fast.  It truly was a site to behold.

If you are a tweeter then it took an all mighty amount of concentration to stay focussed on the feed and what was being said.  Those who were wise created separate hashtags for events, sections and presentations.  This was a win! It separated the feed to what you wanted to focus on.

Although on the up side, that presentation that didn't quite cut it, then at least there was something to follow.  The back channel kept me entertained.

To those that posted links to presentations - I applaud you! You are my heroes, as today I got to virtually share many more sessions than I could physically make it to.

The power of the hashtag should not be underestimated.... use it to separate the feed, to focus on what you consider important.  So tomorrow hashtag away... post, create, collaborate and join in what it trending as an important back channel to an amazing educational event.

#awesome #collaboration #creativity #edtechynerds

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