Food for thought...
I heard today something that made me sit up and take note.
I heard "Isn't this the same discussion we had 5 years ago, 10 years ago?
It is the same rhetoric being moved from the back of the room to the centre of the room to the stage. So what is different? Is it changing in schools?"
This generated the idea that educational change and innovation is moving at a glacial rate. Slowly pushing its way forward over the boulders, valleys and mountains.
We could say that the obstacles that a glacier navigates could be government policies, changes in curriculum, changes in leadership, changes to idea sets, changes in technologies. I like to think that the pedagogical practice, the why and how of teaching is what is pushing this change. Teachers wanting to inspire their students, involve parents and communities and show the obstacles that students are innovative, solution seekers that are gasping for engaging content and a purposefulness to their learning.
The other force of this glacier are the students.
Students want control of their learning.
Students want control of their learning environments.
Students want a large and varied selection of tools to choose from to create, collaborate and solution seek with.
Students want to be teachers and learners.
Then we must ask... are us as educators the rocks and mountainous obstacles on their glacier?
I recall participating in the conversations at the back of the room, then in the middle and now I sit and see it coming from the front.
When will the glacier stop moving? Maybe it won't. Will the edge snap off and float away on a stormy sea? Or will it become a thing of beauty with a hidden depth of knowledge, experience going on to encounter other icebergs? Or will it melt away, disappearing from sight, to become a distant memory?