Monday, 21 September 2015

Does EdTech Help Students Learn?

Read this today....
The Global Search for Education: Does Technology Help Students Learn?  from EdTechReview.
And it got me thinking...
1.  About where we place ed tech in the classroom
2.  The emphasis we place on it as "The Answer"
3.  How teachers engage, implement and integrate ed tech.

Just saying fellow Geekducators, technology doesn't "help students learn"!  It engages students in what they are learning.  It is no more a tool than a piece of paper and pencil, the paint pot, the diorama, the crayons.

A good educator is what helps students learn.
Oh should that be written like this?


A good educator will:
  • Provide an engaging learning environment that excites the student.
  • Pick the right tools for the students to achieve and be the best they can be.
  • Differentiate - cater for all needs in the classroom.
  • Deliver content that is interesting, engaging, purposeful and meaningful.
  • Be a learner themselves.
  • Be part of professional learning communities - share, collaborate and explore new ideas.
So there we have it.  It's not about the ed tech - it's about the learning environment the students are in.  This can be created anywhere in the world, using any type of technology, any teacher and with any class!

Friday, 18 September 2015

Handing over control...

I've read, heard and watched people discuss the issues of having open networks in schools. Goodness opening up access to the wide world?  Can't do that!

The issue isn't that we should or should not open up networks it is teaching students to be positive digital citizens.  Teaching students to do the right thing, trusting and guiding and assuring that it is ok.  To not be scared, to explore but safely.

It is our job as educators to educate! That is what we do - yes we can protect but we can't be there all of the time.  So here's a thought - let's educate our charges to protect themselves when they explore the online world.

Here is a great place to start:

K- 12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Also check out ISTE Student Standards

.... make this the students mantra....

Sunday, 13 September 2015

The Coaching Approach

As a coach I found the following a nice reminder as to what is expected of coaches, what makes an impact and how to support change.
In a world where Technology Integration Coaches are appearing in schools as part of the road towards achieving 21st Century Learning, institutions sometimes forget that there is a bigger picture that the coach can be part of - not just a "fix - it" role.  The following reminds us that we are part of a bigger picture!
The Coaching Approach Infographic
Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

3 Little Things...

Back at school.  New kids.  New teachers.  Old issues that still need to be addresses yet again.

One big issue we face as teachers, especially is differentiating for the new students in secondary school.

I have introduced independently to many teachers this week 3 little things that are going to increase work flow for students, enable teachers to collect summative assessment pieces from those kids who are in academic Struggletown.

1.  Kaizena  ( - give great feedback, provide ongoing verbal support.  Use it in conjunction with Google Docs. So far the response has been positive from students and parents.  Use it on the go!

2.  TechSmith Snagit -( - screen casting apps and software is available everywhere but does it connect directly to your Google Drive?  Does it move the asset into a place where you can then decide what you want to do with?  My life of screen casting has been made so easy with this app and extension to Chrome.  Teachers can create simple explanatory screen casts and then share it with students.  I <3 Snagit!!!!

3.  Speech Recognition - Ok this is a Google Doc add on.  It is powerful and works the majority of the time.  Students who have problems getting their ideas down because they are stopped by their lack of literacy - not their lack of words, can speak into their mic.  What they say is typed - and might I say fairly accurate.  Students check it and it goes straight into their Google doc.

In large class sizes, where there is just one teacher - these three little apps, software options and add ons make life a whole lot easier to cater for all!